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Welcome!  This is my latest collection of videos I have developed to ensure the success of instructors and students.  More videos, screenshots, and documents, such as .pdf handouts, can be found on the PORTFOLIO tab


Hi!  My name is Teri Thomas.  I am an instructional designer, a Quality Matters master reviewer and college instructor.


My design work is centered on creating engaging learning environments in the higher education setting.  


My teaching experience is in medical imaging and health administration.


The rest of the time I spend in my kitchen concocting drool-worthy delights.

At work, I help faculty and SMEs create the best and most effective online learning environments possible. I am there for them throughout the development process and beyond.  

  • Create high quality and challenging courses utilizing the principles of backward design from assessible learning objectives.

  • Insert technologies to compliment the course content, enabling student success.

  • Educate faculty on best practices in education both cutting edge and tried and true.

It is my firm belief that adults are adults, not children. Their educational needs are different, and the way we design learning environments (online, hybrid and land-based deliveries) must reflect this belief.  

Of course, students may whine and kick and scream from "Intro To..." to dissertation. I know.   But keep in mind the research supports the notion that adult learners are in control of their learning.


I respect that and treat them as such.

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